Membership Qualifications & Information

Qualifications for Membership

Joining the Global Christian Professional Women's Association allows you a point of identification and camaraderie with other professional women of faith who have like-minded vision, values, and aspirations. The networking and fellowship opportunities are priceless, and the educational elements are without equal. You’ll be joining an organization of women who are committed to excellence, committed to God, and committed to you.

Qualifications to be a member of the Global Christian Professional Association are simple yet strict. A GCPWA member must be committed to:  

GCPWA members agree to abide by the association's Qualifications for Membership. Any violation of these qualifications may result in the loss of GCPWA membership.

Membership Year

Membership is based on the calendar year Jan. 1 to Dec. 31. Membership is automatically renewed unless, GCPWA receives a written statement requesting cancellation. 

Administrative Procedures

To protect the integrity of your membership record, all changes in address and contact information must be submitted in writing to GCPWA. If you have any questions, please call 866-774-2792 or send an email to